Camera Calibration

In this project, I use simple manual camera calibation method. The setup is as follows:

Assuming pin hole camera, we can utilize similar triangle methods(see below), and can come up with focal lengths equation: # fx = (dx/dX) * dZ , fy = (dy/dY) * dZ where dX, dY are the physical length & width of the object in view and dZ is the distance from object to camera. dx and dy are the corresponding pixel width & height of the object

import numpy as np
#measure object width,height,distance in inches
obj_width = 18.75
obj_height = 13.5
obj_distance = 35.2
#get object width,height in pixels
obj_img_width = 1784
obj_img_height = 1268
# fx = (dx/dX) * dZ , fy = (dy/dY) * dZ
fx = ( obj_img_width / obj_width ) * obj_distance 
fy = ( obj_img_height / obj_height ) * obj_distance 
print(fx, fy)
3349.1626666666666 3306.192592592593

Here we write a generic function that takes in the above params and gives us the camera matrix

# img_size if there has been any rescaling of the original image
def simple_calibration(img_size, full_img_size, focal_lengths ):
    row,col = img_size
    full_row, full_col = full_img_size
    fx,fy = focal_lengths
    fx = fx*col/full_col
    fy = fy*row/full_row
    K = np.diag([fx,fy,1])
    K[0,2] = 0.5*col
    K[1,2] = 0.5*row
    return K
K = simple_calibration((4032,3024), (4032,3024), (fx,fy) )
array([[3.34916267e+03, 0.00000000e+00, 1.51200000e+03],
       [0.00000000e+00, 3.30619259e+03, 2.01600000e+03],
       [0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+00]])

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